Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Posted Posted in News, Web
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) If you want to consume online information on your phone, you go straight to Google, right? What would you do if you tapped on a website and were made to wait for that page to load? If you’re anything like me you’d exit and go to the next page in Google’s [...]

Digital or litho? The eternal question.

Posted Posted in News, Print
Digital or litho? The eternal question. In the world of print, litho has long been hailed king. Whereas digital, although now well established, has always been considered the new pretender to the crown – but is this still the case in 2018? For many in the print industry, this may seem like a redundant question, [...]

GDPR – what’s it all about?

Posted Posted in GDPR, News
GDPR - what’s it all about? Welcome to the first in a short series of blogs about the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We’ll start by looking at exactly what GDPR is and why it matters, especially for online data, before moving onto more pragmatic tips and information that can help you in the [...]

What is print finishing?

Posted Posted in Print
What is print finishing? You might have noticed this website has a section, within our Print service, called ‘finishing’. When we wrote the site, we may have taken it for granted that people would know what that means, and that was probably a bit silly. So allow us to explain! Print - be it lithographic [...]